USB Image Tool 1.91
- fixed: verify failed when restoring an image to a bigger device
USB Image Tool 1.90
- fixed: volumes following an unknown partition type were not shown
- fixed: volume mode restore did not write to volume
- fixed: exception while canceling operation for quitting program
- added: task progess info (bytes/time written/remaining)
- added: integrity check to detect fake size information
- added: new option to show unknown partition types as hex code
- changed: internal versioning harmonized
- changed: log output in list view control
USB Image Tool 1.85
- fixed: updated to zlib 1.2.12 for security fix
USB Image Tool 1.84
- fixed: program closing when using backup + verify + zipped image
USB Image Tool 1.83
- fixed: invalid handle error when using backup + verify
USB Image Tool 1.82
- fixed: gzip size error message blocked device
- fixed: Unregister shell notifications exception on program closing
- added: zip files also shown for restore file dialog
USB Image Tool 1.81
- fixed: detection of non-removable USB devices on AMD chipsets
USB Image Tool 1.80
- fixed: display of volume name 2
- added: high DPI awareness support
- added: new high res logo donated by LunaticGasMonkey
- changed: .NET 4.7 (for GUI high DPI awareness)
USB Image Tool 1.76
- fixed: new line for each message in log window
- added: copy to clipboard for log window
USB Image Tool 1.75
- added: fix GPT size info after restore
- added: verify available for GUI
- added: reset available for command line utility
- added: visual styles only enabled when supported by OS (WinPE support: use -novs command line option)
- fixed: buffer block setting was not used
- fixed: volume locking/unlocking
USB Image Tool 1.74
- added: new option – initialize remaining space afte restore
USB Image Tool 1.73
- added: logging
- fixed: endless loop when removing a device
- fixed: exception copying empty debug log to clipboard
USB Image Tool 1.72
- fixed: invalid compressed imz images
USB Image Tool 1.71
- added: support for UASP based devices
- added: debug output for device scan
- fixed: devices were unlocked between restore and verify
- fixed: misleading error message
USB Image Tool 1.70
- fixed: scrolled output (command line tool)
- changed: .NET 4.0 (for GUI)
USB Image Tool 1.69
- fixed: favorite tab buttons were not visible
USB Image Tool 1.68
- fixed: back to .NET 3.5 for Windows XP compatibility
USB Image Tool 1.67
- added: rescan on media insertion/removal for card readers
- added: show hardware id string (vendor & product id) & volume serial
- added: volume tags for file name suggestions
- fixed: error messages sometimes didn’t show Windows last error code
USB Image Tool 1.66
- fixed: mandatory verify after backup (command line tool)
USB Image Tool 1.65
- added: Verify for command line tool
- fixed: MD5 path and file name
- fixed: file name in imz files
- fixed: file month in imz files
USB Image Tool 1.64
- fixed: CRLF for MD5 hash files
USB Image Tool 1.63
- fixed: device selection more persistent, when new devices are found
- changed: MD5 hash file format standardized
USB Image Tool 1.62
- fixed: exception after restore, when focus was lost in device view
USB Image Tool 1.61
- added: date/time format for file name suggestion
- changed: rescan devices after restore completed
- fixed: access violation when creating an zip-backup
USB Image Tool 1.60
- changed: always require admin rights to set device mode as default selection
- added: buffer size adjustable
- added: support for non-removable drives (USB HDD)
- added: reset device with empty boot sector for reformat
- added: accept Windows disk number (command line tool)
- added: scroll for piped output (command line tool)
- fixed: multi-threading locking
- fixed: cancellation message
USB Image Tool 1.59
- fixed: device mode check on file size
USB Image Tool 1.58
- fixed: size check on gzip images of 2 GiByte and above
- fixed: location info and serial number in command line tool
- added: optional completion message
USB Image Tool 1.57
- fixed: broken large zip files (using 64bit functions now)
USB Image Tool 1.56
- fixed: zip file compression (new zlib/minizip versions)
USB Image Tool 1.55
- fixed: error code 3 on Restore because of unknown file systems (atv-patchstick)
- fixed: error code 87 as a result of an invalid device image
USB Image Tool 1.54
- changed: Restore now allows shared read access on image file
- fixed: catch an exception for strange link open error
USB Image Tool 1.53
- added: truncate oversize images in device mode
- fixed: invalid characters in automatic file names
- changed: device mode is now default when available
USB Image Tool 1.52
- added: more detailed error messages
USB Image Tool 1.51
- fixed: invalid progress values caused GUI exception
- fixed: Remove favorites button was always disabled
USB Image Tool 1.50
- added: parallel operations on different flash drives
- added: progress information in command line utility
- added: show location information (Windows Vista or higher)
- added: optinal suggestion of the backup file name
- fixed: read errors due to wrong size information
- fixed: closing dialog had no effect on leaving the program
- fixed: show device serial number
USB Image Tool 1.42
- added: MD5 checksum creation
USB Image Tool 1.41
- fixed: “Error reading settings!” message
USB Image Tool 1.40
- fixed: compression routines for zip/imz files
- fixed: device mode without unplugging the device
- fixed: progress bar stopped to early on size differences
- added: compression routines for gzip files
USB Image Tool 1.31
- fixed: exception when device list focus was lost during file dialog
- fixed: restore of compressed images in device mode under Windows Vista
- added: check for corrupted zip files after backup is finished
- added: check for corrupted zip files before restore is performed
USB Image Tool 1.30
- added: device mode (supports bootable USB flash drives)
- fixed: compressed file name resolving in command line utility
USB Image Tool 1.28
- added: command line utility
- fixed: 64bit compatibility
USB Image Tool 1.27
- fixed: Windows Vista UAC issues again
USB Image Tool 1.26
- fixed: activated Windows Vista UAC caused detection errors
USB Image Tool 1.25
- added: rescan for USB devices
- changed: unknown volumes are not shown anymore
USB Image Tool 1.24
- fixed: some more interface issues fixed
- fixed: size check based on partition size
- changed: Windows 2000 not supported anymore
USB Image Tool 1.23
- fixed: switched to XZip 1.3 compression routines (bugfixes)
- fixed: device scan only when necessary
- fixed: Favorite Restore button was enabled during transfer
USB Image Tool 1.22
- fixed: device change caused errors during transfer operations
- fixed: progress bar did not move when compressing/decompressing
- added: serial number added to device information
USB Image Tool 1.21
- fixed: Windows Vista compatibility issues
USB Image Tool 1.20
- added: read/write compressed images
USB Image Tool 1.11
- fixed: button position when resizing
USB Image Tool 1.10
- added: favorite images management